solaris 上安装EMC agent

# pkgadd -d NAVIAGNT.pkg
The following packages are available:
1 NAVIAGENT Navisphere Disk Array Management Tool (AGENT)
2 NAVICLI Navisphere Disk Array Management Tool (CLI)
Select package(s) you wish to process (or ‘all’ to process
all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]:
Processing package instancefrom
Navisphere Disk Array Management Tool (AGENT)
Copyright (C) 2003, EMC Corporation.
Usingas the package base directory.
## Processing package information.
## Processing system information.
## Verifying disk space requirements.
## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
The following files are already installed on the system and are being
used by another package:
/etc/init.d/etc/rc0.d/etc/rc2.dDo you want to install these conflicting files [y,n,?,q]
ERROR: Input is required.
Do you want to install these conflicting files [y,n,?,q] y
## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.
This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user
permission during the process of installing this package.
Do you want to continue with the installation of[y,n,?] y
Installing Navisphere Disk Array Management Tool (AGENT) as## Installing part 1 of 1.
[ verifying class]
## Executing postinstall script.
No saved config files exist for Navisphere Agent.
Installation ofwas successful.
Processing package instancefrom
Navisphere Disk Array Management Tool (CLI)
Copyright (C) 2003, EMC Corporation.
Usingas the package base directory.
## Processing package information.
## Processing system information.
2 package pathnames are already properly installed.
## Verifying disk space requirements.
## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.
Installing Navisphere Disk Array Management Tool (CLI) as## Installing part 1 of 1.
[ verifying class]
Installation ofwas successful.

来世音  发表于: 2009-11-21


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